As a therapist, you have enough on your plate to handle without having to deal with billing, but luckily you can hire a therapy billing service to take care of all your billing needs for you. Here are a few features the billing company you choose to work with should offer:

Insurance Claim Processing

When your clients aren't paying you out of pocket, you'll likely have to bill their insurance companies which can be time-consuming, confusing, and frustrating as time goes on. Not only do you have to verify that an insurance company will actually pay for the services you provide to a client, but you have to manage quite a bit of paperwork just to make a claim and request payment from the insurance provider.

And you'll have to deal with things like co-payments and deductibles. But luckily, your billing service provider should be able and willing to handle the entire insurance claims process for each of your patients. All you should have to do is submit the billing statements for your clients to your service provider every time you provide them with services, and the rest will be taken care of for you.

Patient Information Security

Your billing service provider will have to gather and manage your patient's personal information in order to properly bill them, so it's important to make sure that the company you choose to work with makes information security a priority. Any information they keep about your practice and your patients should be stored digitally in an encrypted database that is password protected.

There should be no paper documents pertaining to your business or patients kept in filing cabinets where anyone could easily get to them if they wanted to. Your service provider should commit to deleting information when it's no longer needed and never selling any information under any circumstances. And you should be the only one your billing service should be willing to provide information to without a warrant.

Accurate Diagnosis Documentation

It's important that any diagnosis you make for a patient during a session is documented in their insurance billing claim so the insurance company doesn't have any reason to audit your billing records as time goes on. If the insurance company has a clear idea of why a patient is being treated by you, your billing claims can be processed more quickly. So it's important that your billing service clearly understands the diagnosis codes you use and correctly documents those codes when making insurance claims on behalf of your clients.

Research billing services for therapists in your area to get started.
